Thursday, December 15, 2011

Water Filter Sponsorship

The water/mission team departs in just 71 days!

In our approximately 25 days in the village, we hope to install 50 water filters. This is a VERY ambitious goal, as we'll be training right alongside installation/construction. We also have other projects going at the same time. But the water filters have been identified as "most critical" right now, as they truly are a life/death project.

Fifty water filters are in our budget, but really, not enough to serve the people in this community, the way we want to, so we are asking you to consider sponsoring one for yourself, or as a gift this holiday season.

Sponsorship of a water filter costs $35 and will cover construction and wages to the local builders (not to our team). The sponsored water filter will be installed in a home, school or clinic on your behalf.

For a home, these filters serve the purposes of approximately 20 people for all water uses (dish-washing, bathing, etc) or for drinking water only, such as a school, it would serve approximately 70. The life expectancy of a concrete biosand filter is a whopping 30 years, and there are no maintenance costs at all through the life of the filter. Free pure water for 30 years. Now that is return on investment!

Would you be willing to sponsor the construction of a filter? This would allow us to continue our program beyond the first 50 filters. For your sponsorship, you would get a color card about the project sent to you (or if you choose, a recipient of your choice) and after the water filter is installed, we will send you some information about the person/people it served.

Your sponsorship would be tax-deductible (Kent Lutheran Church is managing this South Sudan water project, and it is a registered 501(c)3 in the United States.)

For more information about sponsorship, email Jessica Ward

Sponsorship must be completed and registered before February 10 in order to get an update when the filter is installed.